The best platforming game to date.
The graphics .(.FOR IT'S TIME.). Were golden. At the time. I thought the graphics on this special game were the correct style to go along with. The gameplay was seriously perfect. Not only was there a HUGE area to explore, such as: The slums and streets of Haven City, the deserts of the Kingdom Of Spargus, the war - torn advanced side of Haven City, Metal Head nests, poisounous bogs, and even a huge forest to practice hover - boarding.
The scenery is beautiful at the quiet and safe places. It then gets moody when you're in a battle, with explosions, rain, and people duking it out before you're VERY eyes. Like in Jak II, this game features guns. And instead of the four original guns .(. WHICH ARE STILL IN HERE.).
You get four new upgrades for those guns! And not only are they destructive, they're fun. Especially the Peace Maker V.4. When you fire this baby, the whole screen turns white, you're sound dissipates, and everything in SIGHT is completely destroyed! Ah, bliss....
Then, there's the story. The story in all of these games have NEVER failed to dissappoint me. It's like a classic adventure tale, transformed into game - form.
So, golden graphics, great gameplay, an electrifying story, what else? Ah, yes, the music.
Don't get me wrong, the music is ABSOLUTELY great, but in some parts it seems a TINY bit down. This doesn't affect the game or the rating, as it only dissappoints a slight bit that only bothers you for about a second, and it only happens from time to time.
Next, the difficulty. Some missions are hard, and some are medium. No missions in this game are east, which is good for most people. I mean, I'd rather ALOT of levels with a difficulty that challenges but doesn't ruin the experience of possibly the greatest platformer to date.
And, seeing as now It's the 18th Of March 2010, 21:21/9:21/ 21: 21/9: 21, that's ALOT of platformers.
Seeing as no one is selling Play Station 2's anymore, or makes games, or would have this game to sale, to find and play this game WILL be difficult.
Listen to this advice: If you're a fan of Ratchet And Clank, or like platformers in any way, and you have a Play Station 2 that works, look for this game. Go to as many game stores as you want or can, and LOOK HARD for this game.
I'm saying this because if you find it, and it works, you are one lucky guy.