Naughty Dog has a knack for creating incredibly cool characters.
User Rating: 9.2 | Jak and Daxter: the Precursor Legacy PS2
There are currently tons of platformers available for the Playstation 2. Some great, some horrible. Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy thankfully ends up being one of the best platformers available this generation. Thanks to Naughty Dog for introducing us to some of the coolest game characters ever. Jak is your quiet tough-as-nails character who you play as, and Daxter is your furry smart-mouthed rodent side-kick. The dialoge is halarious and well done which really give this game a flavor that is addictive and unique in a genre that is notorious for mediocre copy-cats. Gameplay: With approximately sixteen levels there is a ton of gameplay to be had in Jak and Daxter. The levels are your standard fare of collect this and that, or destroy point a, b, and c, but everything controls so wonderfully that no matter what you're doing it remains fun. The're are tons of unique challenges that will keep you puzzled and busy for many hours. Graphics: Jak and Daxter is a beautiful game. Magnificent draw distances and virtually no loading times are a sight to see. The character models are perfect and animation is fluid and very well done. The enviroments are varied and detailed. Magnificent waterfalls, and rainstorms are throughout which give the game a ambient feel that really draws you in. Sound: Everything sounds well also. The music is catchy and fits the mood well. Voice acting is top-notch and the sound effects are well done. Value: Jak and Daxter is a worthy addition to any Playstation 2 gamers library. If you haven't played this game or don't own it, you need to run to the store and purchase it. Review brought to you by: BL1NDS1DE / RYSHIDENXBL