Jack one will complete all the holes and doubts that you have on the Jack series. Althougt Jack one is very different from the others, is an amazing game that resembles alot with the type of games such as spyro and raymen. So if you liked both those games you will love this one. I will recomend gamers, no to the buy the game, just rent it and try beating it during the times you rent it, but If you are a fan of the series, you should buy it (as I did) because is an instant classic. This game would not let down fans of the series, specially because is the original, an if you played it before the rest there is no need to pay attention to this review, because I played the others first and this one after, so I am comparing it to what jack 2 and 3 are.
Other Helpful Reviews for Jak and Daxter: the Precursor Legacy
The 3-D platformer is one of modern gaming's rarest of creatures. You just don't find them much anymore. Before games were about how much ammunition you have or how fast your weapon can reload, games were about jumping: ... Read Full Review
Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy, really sticks to its name. It is a legacy, which boosted up sony's Playstation 2 and Naughty Dog itself. For those who don't know, this game is similar to Crash Bandicoot, knowing th... Read Full Review