A Classic game that will be remembered, but is it too kiddy?

User Rating: 8.6 | Jak and Daxter: the Precursor Legacy PS2
the Game is great, it has a great story, doesnt have to much mushy love, I love the character of Daxter but he is a wee bit of an &^%# sometimes. I hate it that jak doesnt talk at all. The game has easy controls thats great.The game also has good looking women and characters. The whole game is all original the story, the characters, and above all else the Eco. The sound is pretty great but Daxter is pretty annoying sometimes but he gives you advice sometimes. Its great but the sequel will/ be better than this one. I will tell some spoilers, This naive kid jak and his buddy daxter go into an evil island. While there we see the villains, Gol, Mia. Daxter falls into a pond of Dar eco and transform into a rat. They get back to their island and see the wise sage. There he tells you what you have to do and you adventure begins.