Jak has gone commando in the second installment of the Jak and Daxter Trilogy.
Jak II follows the story of what happened after the Precursor Legacy, where you once again control Jak, but this time he has a new look and new powers at his disposal. For instance, if you kill enough enemies, then you are able to enter "Dark Jak" mode. This basically jus makes Jak more deadly and gives him this really monster-like look, as well as a choice of dark powers to use.
The gameplay feels pretty much the same as its prequel and has a lot of that jumping up these crazy mountains from cliff to cliff and fighting these enemies along the way. These enemies are a lot tougher than they were in the previous game, but they still will go down in about one or two attacks.
The game also introduces weapons to the game mechanics, giving Jak a choice of 4 different weapons, all of which have upgrades that you receive as you do missions and continue on with the storyline. By the end of the game, you'll have these huge weapons that will just kill basically any enemy that you see in pretty much one blast. Where as, at the beginning, it takes a couple of shots to bring your enemy down.
There are a nice variety of guns to the game. You have a scatter gun, which is good for taking on small groups of enemies spread out from side to side. A beam gun, which is almost like a bigger form of a blaster, good of single enemies or spread out groups. The machine gun, which is good fro pretty much whatever comes at you. And finally, the bazooka type weapon, which is so much fun to use and does some serious damage to your enemies.
The audio of the game is very good, and has a great blend of slow and mellow music, with the faster, upbeat kind used more in battles than anything.
The game doesn’t really have that much replay value, unless you want to unlock all of the little cheats and things by collecting Precursor Orbs, but the game has so much in it with just one play-through, you should be satisfied.
Overall, Jak II is one of the better games that I have ever played, and it is just a lot of fun to play.