Great all over

User Rating: 8.3 | Jak II: Renegade PS2
Jak 2 continues the story from Jak and Daxter. Now i nthe game it takes it to a Grand theft auto kinda game where your in a big city and you can nick hover cars kill people and do fun quests. Jak 2 is a great and fun game with multiply MISSIONS The Graphics of Jak 2, are very good cartoony I think the music to this game is good as well.

Gameplay 9.
Like Grand theft auto the game play of this game is great fun.

Graphics 7
They may not me top notch but they are still good to look at.

Sound. 7.
The music is realy good and the voice acting is great aswel.

In the end Jack 2 is a great game. which ayone 12 up or under will enjou