This game is even better than the last one.
Another cool part of the is that since Jak was used as a genie pig for the Barons Dark Eco experiments Jak can now consume Dark Eco in small amounts and use it to transform into Dark Jak. Dark Jak is much stronger than the normal Jak and after certain events he can do special moves that can wipe out hordes of enemies. Dark Jak can only punch or kick but can’t use any weapons, but who needs them when you are Dark Jak. But you still have to be careful because if you fall in dark eco you still could die because Jak is not invulnerable to Dark Eco.
There is a new set of enemies in this game; they are called the Metal Heads. They are monsters that feed on Dark Eco and will do anything to get it. The leader of this group of monsters is this one guy called Metal Kor and he wants to destroy the city to find a special item. The whole thing is based on Jak’s past.
I thing that thing game and that is the best in all the series.