Awesome fun Jak Racing game ever made, the only racing game of Jak ever made actually!!! but it still rocks!

User Rating: 9.2 | Jak X: Combat Racing PS2
Jak X Combat racing is the first battle racing game that features Jak and his friends. From Jak's previous action adventure games Jak always used cool and fast vechiles so the makers of Jak, Naughty Dog, wanted to make his very own racing game because racing in the actual adventure game of Jak isn't enough.

Jak X Combat racing allows you to play as Jak through the career mode with his new and shorter haircut. The game has many different types of races like just normal racing and then there is battle racing which is called the Death match and many other different races that keeps ur boredom well away and the races are so fun. With the help of the voice actors the game becomes more alive, by the funny qoutes they always say after the get crashed or hit. As for the races, between them are additional cut scenes which are also as funny as the previous Jak games. Other than the career mode, there is the vs mode and another one which allows you to go online and race the drivers from all around the world.

Even though this game is fun, I think the fun does not last long. The career mode is very short and if you are an expert gamer like myself, you will finish it in 5 hours less. This game is worth playing for you who likes to race and destroy, and also for the ones who enjoy comedies.