Best Bond Game

User Rating: 9.6 | James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing PS2
Everything or Nothing is the best Bond game since Goldeneye. It is also the first time real actors were used in a Bond game so you have Pierce Bronson, Judi Dence, John Cleese and Heidi Klum's voices. This is a very nice touch and will appease the Bond fans out there.

The gameplay is great. This is the first 3rd person Bond game and that makes this game much better. The control layout is very good, much better than previous Bond games. This game is even better than the next game in the series, From Russia With Love.

The single player is the highlight of this game. There are many missions and most of them are very fun. There is no real multilayer death match though. There is an arena mode but it fall short to the multilayer in Goldeneye and in From Russia With Love. The co-op is pretty fun though. It is very hard though and is bound to frustrate you.

All in all this is a great game with solid single player and ok multilayer.