Best Bond game since Goldeneye on the N64.

User Rating: 9.4 | James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing XBOX

Best Bond game since Goldeneye on the N64.
Everything or Nothing is a great game that they finally got right. Even though there are a ton of Bond titles this one is the best. Not since Goldeneye, which by the way set the standard for fps in my opinion, has a Bond game been this well done. The graphics, the levels, the q-gadgets are all just fantastic.

Graphics: Not subpar in any stretch of the imagine. This game was developed to push the consoles capability.

Music: Typical bond soundtrack kind of stuff, to its credit though it is crystal clear almost cd quality.

Value: You will be able to pick it up for $15.00 or less now, if you don't own the game then you should buy it......this game will keep you entertained for hours.

Gameplay: There is nothing quarky about the combat engine or driving/flying for that matter.

Pick this game up--it is fantastic.