This game either gives you everything or nothing.
in this 007 mission you are in 3rd person, which allows you to see round Mr Bond a bit more and feel a bit more like him. You get a special 'Bond sense' which will slow things down as you make important weapon wielding decisions and cool effects. Which in my opinion is pretty dam good as it is much better than scrolling for ages trying to find your ideal weapon, or gazing at your watch as a mini screen pops up.
But this is about the only good thing in the game. After a while the missions start to become a bit of a chore. They lose their fun factor and lo and behold crap emerges everywhere. the last part of the game has infinite endings and the car driving missions go to the same place over and over again. Trust me on this one. Get an N64 instead. There may be no mission multi but hell is it much more fun.