007: Everything or Nothing is a great game to play, however there are somethings about it that could have gotten better.
User Rating: 8.5 | James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing GC
007: Everything or Nothing is a great gamecube game however it could have been better. The graphics are good, but there not really realistic. The sound is good as well, but there are some sounds that need to be more realistic. Don't get me wrong though, it doesn't ruin the game. The replay value is pretty high. I didn't beat the game more than once, but I'm planning on to. The game took me about 30-35 hours to beat. It's frustrating but fun in a way. The multiplayer is VERY VERY HARD. Me and my friend probably spent about 15 hours on this level and we still didn't beat it yet. However, despite the frustration in some levels in both the single player and multiplayer campian, 007: Everything or Nothing is a great fun game to play and to have fun with.