This is the first 3rd person James bond Game and it features special free roam levels and you can take objectives slow.

User Rating: 10 | James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing GC
This game is probably the best James Bond game ever made next to Golden Eye 007 for the N64. The game is based around a man who wishes to destroy the world so he must discover the weapon and findout who the mastermind is. This game has fighting skills and you can use objects around the world to your advantage.

This game has gadgets to maintain stealth and kill enemies before you have to aproach them. Things like the spider help you complete your objectives unseen, and also the nano-cloak which makes you invisible.

This games multiplayer features Co-Op missions, Race, and the classic Arena(has to be unlocked first).

Words Of Edvice:Try it out, but this game is difficult to beat so you've been warned.