It's not Goldeneye 007, but it's the best Bond game EA has made so far!

User Rating: 8.8 | James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing XBOX
EA has made a few attempts at Bond games in the past, none of which were terrible(except maybe tomorrow never dies), but weren't very different from what else was around. That changed when EA made Everything or Nothing(EoN), which they took as out of the first person perspective, and let us play the game in third person, which turned out great. When this game was announced, many thought that EA was making the mistake they did when they made tomorrow never dies(PSone), but this game was nothing like that. EoN follows it's own unique story, with new characters, and some old one's returning. I don't just mean Bond and Mi-6, I mean Jaws make's an apperance, and must be fought(as a boss character I guess) every so often. The game features great acting by actors such as Willem Dafoe and more. You can also play the levels differently, like you could run out and shoot everyone in sight, or stay hidden and sneak past them, send a Q spider(I think that's what they're called) to go to them and then explode etc. There's many options. I have seen better graphics, but this game still has very good graphics, and was made for the PS2, so you can understand why there not as good as the xbox is capable of. There are two complaints I have: 1- You must unlock arena for multiplayer by playing in cooperative. I have yet to unlock arena, and unlike many other cooperative games, you have a certain amount of lives you both must share, not just respawning as long as the other player is still alive. I also think you might have to best it without dying once. 2- This one isn't that bad, but the lock on system makes it a bit too easy, you simply prees and (I think)hold the left trigger to lock on. You can use the thumbstick to make it a head shot or hit another part of the body, but it just makes it seem a lot easier then it could be. You should go out and buy this game, whether your a Bond fan or not.