It has interesting story since it is not like the story, but the movie is so much better than the game
The graphics are not so good as in the movie (duh, advance CGI etc, etc) but still worth it. The plants and the environment, however, is amazingly detail but the character, especially the main character that we choose when we play doesn't look so good when it comes to expression.
Talking about pathway, when we chooses the RDA faction and go on with the story but then near the end we chooses to defect and join Na'Vi with human look, there is a reappearance of a long dead person that we killed during the middle of the story (what the?) and talks as if we chooses the Na'Vi faction but we are in human look and that is something.... wrong...
It may look better only if the game developers changes it until it is rated M (mature) like more detail on characters, blood, and some romance or something like that because it looks boring (12+ (ouch)) just as the rating tells, for 12+...
If there is the sequel to the movie, and there is another game for Avatar 2 (maybe) I HOPE (probably INSISTING) the game is better with different maker since this one is kinda a failure, or probably make major improvement than the first one. And probably making it Mature rating, the story doesn't fit with 12+ rating, it is unattractive.
My rating: 8.5 graphics (would be 9.5 if the character's face is better than this), 7.5 gameplay, 7 control, 7 story (would be 10 if there isn't any strange appearance of someone who the player should have killed then change faction near the end when playing RDA faction at the end of the final mission)