Its a f category game ... the story doesn't make sense ... graphically mediocre ... control is bad ...
The control is so bad, you will often curse in a melee combat, and in long range you will be so annoyed that bullets actually don't fire where your reticule is.. that will lead to you uninstalling the game.
Don't be fooled as I have... the game does not have any freedom at all.. its just plain old linearity ...
Lip sync-ing is bad.. just from the start of the intro... one of the good things is that the actor's voice is really great.. (and they used Sigourney Weaver's) apart from that pretty much nothing.
The first 15 minutes of the game its just a copy of what happened in the movie, no new ideas no new nothing... then the story is just too thin.. you go around looking for 5 plants and the next thing you know : lets kill the humans ?! I mean come on...