Because this is EXACTLY what this GAME is. It doesn't deserve to be anywhere close to the prestige of "Jane's"..or "flight sim." I can't believe that this prominent Defense Analysis organization bother to sign their likeness to this sad excuse of a game. It plays nothing like F-15, IAF, or F/A-18 (to name a few), but rather, it plays like HAWX and/or Ace Combat, and it does a bad job at that as well. At least for what those arcade flying games are, they stand as decent games with unique styles of gameplay. JASF seems to suffer from an identity crisis. It will definitely not appeal to the old Jane's series fans and other flight sim enthusiasts, but it has the potential of not appealing to casual gaming scene as well. If you're immersed into such sims as DCS, the VRS Superbug addon for FSX, and even old Jane's titles such as F-15 and F/A-18 (in which Team Super Hornet has done an excellent job keeping this game relevant today), steer clear from this title! If you're the casual type looking for a new flying arcade game, you may like this, but it really feels more optimized for use with a controller rather than a flight stick. If you have a PS3 or a 360, you might as well buy this for the console.
Other Helpful Reviews for JASF: Jane's Advanced Strike Fighters
This is not your grandfather's Jane's combat sim (pre-2000). This is more like rip off of HAWK arcade shooter. The control are very basic, if you play it in Battlefield series game then you will be right at home. Ever... Read Full Review
First things first, this game is not trying to be a simulator, which is a bit surprising with the Jane's name which is indicating authenticy. Instead, it is an highly unrealistic action game involving a range of fighter ... Read Full Review