Clones, clones, clones – you gotta love them…not. Well maybe some however many are an absolute total rip off from kingdom come. Take, for instance, Jawbreaker – calling it not a clone? Ok, let's do some checks – it's got a maze…check. It was four enemies that acts like idiots…check. There's four power pills that once eaten, you can gobble the enemies in a short period of time…check. You eat a screen full of dots…check. You are a friggin mouth…check. You are yellow…not check. Well that settles it, it's not a clone. Well call it whatever you like, it’s a clone and very poor one at it too. Heck, the game even confuses itself as I'm not sure whether there’s actually a Jawbreaker II, as this review is based on, as it made changes to 'Jawbreaker 1' to avoid legal costs from Atari. And the title page testifies copyright 1980 when it was released in 1982. Basically programmer ‘Chuckles’ is either confused or chuckling.
So this review is based on the 1982 release of Jawbreaker II even though the title screen says 1980. There isn't much to say what this game is all about without referring to Pac Man. And besides, the ported Atari version of Pac Man was a complete joke. Nevertheless, I make an attempt to differentiate the two games to the best of my ability…you eat dots until there's no more so you can witness a small cut scene where a toothbrush floats to your mouth and brushes your teeth…and it's off to a ‘new candy store’ to start again. Eventually the game gets faster and faster until you lose all your teeth. So it's a merry chase game that leaves you hungry for more…and everything moves too, even the walls!
Just play the arcade version of Pac Man.