It's over? Jaws Revenge sucked!
User Rating: 3.6 | Jaws NES
Another LJN crap-fest. Jaws should have been great if only it included more game play then, deep water, and shallow water. Whoopee, the bonus levels (which are unavoidable) are annoying and the game consists entirely of moving from port to port to increase your attack level. Run into Jaws, shoot him about a billion times, and then it moves to bow of your ship where you must harpoon Jaws with your boat. Whoopee, don't miss or you'll have to shoot Jaws a billion times all over again. There are no other people in the game, no dialogue of any kind, and Jaws is just way to easy to avoid in the water. But like most games of its kind I was still compelled to beat this game, and beat it I did. I cannot recommend this game because it really isn't a game at all.