Lacking in all areas, Jaws fails to impress.
The first thing you see after you've turned on the game, is a cool intro-screen and the Jaws logo. As you actually start the game you find yourself steering a boat around a map. The world looks blocky and it surely looks like this game came out far before its time. This game is all about killing Jaws. In order to do so you need to go underwater and fight jellyfish and stingrays to collect shells, these shells are used as currency to build up your attack power. You also need a transceiver to track down Jaws (actually, you don't need it for THAT, but in order to make the power ups available you need to have it). The underground scenery looks very rough and the water surface looks like something else. There are different designs depending on when you dive. The shallow waters look even worse than the deep waters. The still as you get the receiver in the other port looks cool. Also, the outro looks decent enough. Animations look decent, although I would have wanted to see a bigger Jaws. On the map, the 2 ports are located on either side with a few islands in between. The map looks really pixilated and blocky. Needless to say, the graphics are incredibly repetitive and boring. I would have liked this game to be LESS colorful and darker. Especially in the underwater scenes. There is also a bonus scene where you are taken (automatically) from side to side across the sea and you get to drop bombs on jellyfish in order to make a few extra bucks (sorry – shells). Very boring looking bonus scene. The final fight with Jaws is pretty nice looking through the first-person perspective as you steer your boat towards the giant (well) shark's fen. You try to hit jaws with a strobe and then impale him on your boat.
A theme song at the introduction screen is the only piece of music you'll get in the game. Even that is not very appealing. The sounds in-game is not very impressive. A few blips and blops.
Game play:
This game is basically a collection of mini-games which I think is a good idea. The steering of the boat is as boring as boring gets. There is nothing to do but going from one port to the other. What you COULD do, if you're up for it is to pick up the mini-sub and cruise around in that. The underground "hunting" part is not very fun either, as there are just two different kinds of enemies and the only things you can collect are shells, stars (point) and crabs. The crabs increase your speed (?). The bonus scene is fun the first 2 times and towards the end of this very short game you start to moan and complain to yourself; "Oh, no! Not another bonus scene!" The final fight with Jaws is cool though. You need to wait until he's close enough to the boat, screw him with an electronic strobe to make him rise in pain and finally impale him on your boat. It's rather satisfying actually. On their own, these mini-games are not very fun, but you put them all together and you get a game that's worth playing through once or twice.
Uhm. You'll want to play through it a few times, but since it's a very short game that doesn't count for much. No options, nothing to do. I don't get it. Why couldn't more adventure elements have been added? Just the option of walking around in the two towns, talking to people could have made this game so much better! But…nothing.
Lacking in all areas, Jaws fails to impress. If you bought the game, you'll want to play through it once or twice.