This game shouldn't of been allowed to have such a legend name as JAWS. A disgrace to gaming..heck even to camera angles
- A game where you actually play as JAWS could have been a lot of fun chewing up people as a huge shark. Unfortunately this probably would have to go on my worst games list. Camera is extremely difficult to master, the interface in general makes no sense as to why the made it that way, I actually have to question rather the development team even enjoyed playing this game.
Environment & Immersion: 2/10
- Sure theres tons of fish, people, and boats to devour, but what does it matter if its impossible to even aim straight even when using the lock on feature. This game was hard to play without being utterly ticked off after just 5-10 minutes of playing, actually being addicted to this game is a joke.
Graphics/Physics: 5/10
- Graphics are a bit outdate to a certain extent, but aren't at all terrible to look at. Yes the bloodyness of killing something or even anything is very amusing.
Sound: 5/10
- Sound is mediocre at best.
Bugs, Stability & Performance: 4/10
- Unsual long time to install for such a game. Camera and controls are a bug in its own category.
Replay value: 2/10
- Its tough just playing this game through for 5-10 minutes on the first time of play, don't even think of replaying this game over and over.
Value for money: 1/10
- I can't even put a true monetary value for this game. I would say any amount that is offered for this game to sell is simply too much, even as a freeware or shareware game I have a feeling it would still fail to even be downloaded much.
Will this game be remembered by old school gamers as a classic after 10 years?:
Who would I recommend to buy the game?:
- Oceanographers or marine biologist who truely love animals more than humans and who have never played a game in their life. Sorry I can't really put a category of people into this figure without somewhat offending them.
Overall: 2.5 - This game shouldn't of even been allowed to carry such a legend name as JAWS. A disgrace to gaming...heck even to camera angles. Honestly, don't bother wasting your time with this one.