I don't know why Jaws is getting such low reviews. Sure it's not the greatest game in the world, but it deserves much better than a 3.8. The two biggest complaints I hear about are the clunky controls and camera. Now I'm not sure why they have the default control settings set up the way they are, but they suck. Instead try using the second configuration which has the right trigger as swim and A as bite. I found this to work much better than having A swim and right trigger as bite. As for the camera it does get pretty bad at times, especially when in close quarters, but just switch to the fixed or first person camera and the problem is solved. The only problem I have with the game is the horrible voice acting, but it's not that big of a deal. I bet a lot of people giving this game a bad review played for about ten minutes and then came to their conclusion without giving it a chance. So if you're a fan of the movie and like to wreak havoc in an open world, then I say this is a must have, especially with a $30 price tag. P.S. Always check the options on every game because you never know how much a small change, such as switching some buttons around, can really make a game that much better.
I have been waiting this for this title to hit the store shelves since E3 05. The concept and the back story is all there but it just really lacks in control. First you go through a 2 part Tutorial and then Jaws is ca... Read Full Review
I have Ecco for the Dreamcast, and let me tell you; the favorite part of that game for me was fighting the great white shark boss. This game is a dream come true for me. And I am not going to let a few glitches screw i... Read Full Review