Being a hardcore Jaws fan, I was highly disappointed after I waited for this game for a year.
The controls are acceptable in my opinion, but are sometimes hard to control and unresponsive, which means it could be tweaked more. The graphics are ok. The seabed looks detailed and colorful, the shark looks nice, and the sun's rays shining under the water looks good, but the surface of the water looks flat and bland, and the character models look like they are from 2004. So, overall, some pretty average graphics. This is sort of disappointing, considering King Kong for the xbox, whoch was released 6 months before JU was released, had very good graphics for an xbox game, details and all.
The audio is poor. It is very annoying when all you hear is people screaming, and yelling the same things. The music in the game is mediocre. John William's highly memorable score has been remixed as a more modern techno-ish theme, and that got me mad. Some other songs in the game are ok, but are too modernized, as opposed to the movie's traditional orchestra music.
The gameplay can be fun at times, but most of the time very boring. All you do is eat people/animals. Nothing else. No variety. You can upgrade your speed, attack, and other stuff, but it really doesn't make a difference. Some parts of gameplay are extremely far-fetched, like on spot where you have to jump onto the floor of the facility you are being researched in, grab a scientist who is researching you, go back into the water with the scientist, and put his body up against the keycard machine by the pool you are being held in, which results in the scientists arm swiping his keycard in the machine, opening the door to release you out of your research pool. WTF?!? Its a regular shark! Not one like the genetically-enhanced ones in Deep Blue Sea! If you kill a certain amount of people, you get a new attack, like a corkscrew attack in which you swim underneath a swimmer, and then you are propelled up to the surface, where you launch the swimmer high in the air, then you propell in the air and slam your body weight against them, resulting in them exploding and turning into some big pool of blood. Weird, but ok. There is also an attack in which you go underneath a swimmer than press B to grab them by the legs and move them around in the water, aka the way Chrissie (the first victim in Jaws)was killed. Once you finish the "Escape!" mission, you can swim around in the bodies of water around Amity. In these areas, you can choose to continue with the story mode, or swim around all you want and eat anyone you want. In the free mode, you can choose to play 30 challenges from dragging a lifeguard around the water, and slam her into a buoy, also the way Chrissie died, to killing a murderer. These are ok, but there are only 30 challenges. I have explained everything you can pretty much do in gameplay. There isn't much to do. Overall, you'll have fun for about an hour or two, but after that, you get real bored. Rent the game, or buy it on the bargain bin/buy it used, and when I mean buying it cheap, I mean $5.00 to $10.00. Thats how much it is worth. It is not worth $20-$30!