A rather interesting Tactics game.

User Rating: 8 | Jeanne d'Arc PSP
Jeanne D'Arc was like any regular Tactics game with it's grid function but there is something more and something less as well...
I'm pretty sure hardcore Tactics player knows the fact that most Tactics game have the constant risk of wiping a character out of the game permanently if your not careful enough and that there are secret characters all over to be unlocked and all.But unfortunately,that does not exist in this game.So this game would be really useful if your trying to get into Tactic Games.Characters will be obtained as you progress and death would not cause your character to be wiped out.

Similarity to Other Tactics---------------------------------------------------------------------------It still retains the good old system of the Grid System.Hiding behind walls also causes arches to be incapable of shooting you and stuff like that.So basically,the game have most of the basic elements of a Tactics game and the physics features.

Transformation--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Unfortunately I can't remember the exact term for this ability but there are 4 or so characters that can transfrom when certain conditions are met.When they transform the tide of the battle is pretty much flipped over,if you use them well.They can move much further compared to before,can deal more damage and execute special attacks.

Equipments/Jewels-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well,the Equipment part should be fairly obvious.You can get equipments off shops and stuff like that.Jewels can be gained through combat or by tranmutating them.At a certain part of the plot,the pet that one of the character is holding swallowed a Jewel and spawned another out.So you get the idea...right?

There are abilities of which you can use in this game to allow you to move further distance or have more walking movements as such.This would provide you with a real edge in the battlefield so take great care in it.

Characters-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Well,I won't recommend just pumping the levels of several characters only because at a certain part of the plot,some characters will temporarily leave the party.They will return but it would be some time later.

Map-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Map is composed of Dungeons/Battlefields and Cities.

Bonus--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------There is a Colleseum that appears as you progress.Fight through it to test your skills and it is linked to another bonus content....After the game is complete you may want to visit the graveyard with a pendant in hand...

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