This is a fantastic game, the mixture of tactics, anime and storyline is really great. I love the twists to the story.

User Rating: 10 | Jeanne d'Arc PSP
I didn't think that I would like this game, but then I started playing it. It was fantastic. The learning curve is very short and the game plays out so nice and smoothly. There are lots of nice surprises and twists to the plot line that keep everything interesting. I really enjoyed the use of spell stones to enhance the abilities; however, I found that there could have been a few more slots. It was very interesting to manufacture stronger spell stones, by combining stones together. In one of the FAQ's they didn't recommend the use of some of the 'recipes'. However, the concept of Stella, Luna and Sol was a little hard to grasp in the beginning, it took some time to get used to this as an advantage for game play. I like the use of beasts as warriors and other fantasy type creatures in this semi-historical game. I would strongly recommend this game to anyone who is interested in good RPG and strategy tactics. Actually, I would strongly recommend this game, period.