HORRIBLE! the label should have said, "Warning: Do not buy no matter what, now take this game and throw it on a highway!

User Rating: 1.7 | Jeremy McGrath Supercross World GC

gameplay- o my god, where are the freaking tricks! Beleive me, i know what real tricks are, my freind is a motocross racer, and he can do tons of stuff. in this game, you can wiggle a little bit and collect flying wrenches, and crash and get hurt if you dare do a trick.

Graphics- If a N64 could think and saw this, it would say "omg, not even I would allow someone play something this horrible on me."

Sound- I wont say a thing, why should I, It's not worth talking about.

Value- I quit the second I turned it on.


overall, dont get it, even if that game from that commercial called "lets count sand" existed, I would rather get that than this game.