Jet moto 2 is a racing masterpiece! Editors choice classic
The bad:Difficulty isnt for everyone.Bailing and falling happens often.Graphics are glitchy .Some annoying glitches.
When i was 6,jet moto was my favorite racing game,but i was suprised with a copy of jet moto 2. I played like everyday and loved the spit out of it. But i left it in a cd case (a cd case that might of been thrown away)But thanks to technology, i bought jet moto 2 off Pstore and now im giving you a review.
Jet moto 2 is all about challenge and heart pounding speed.basicly you go through the first 3 levels in a season,unlock 3 new levels,go through the 6 levels you have,unlock 3 more,go through the 9 levels,unlock the last 1,then go through all 10.Easy? no.Fun? Yes.
Its been quite a long time and jet moto 2 is still fun to play. Youll dodge rocks in canyons,grapple onto poles to avoid falling off a cliff on a mountain,go through heaven and straight down to hell,then back to heaven.As you can see,jet moto 2 has great variety when it comes totrack design.
Though youll be going through allot for those awesome tracks. Enemy Ai are smart and usually have a perfect lap.But not only will you deal with AI,youll be dodging rocks,avoid falling,and even avoiding hitting the checkpoint pole.
The hardness of the game is irritating,as it left me frustrated and grumpy.Usually because of the fact that it seems like the game is asking you to drive off a cliff or hit an object and fall off your bike,cause id often crash into some object and end up in last place.In jet moto 2. 1 mistake could cost you the race.
So if you fell off the same cliff for the 2oth time,youll wanna throw yourself off one!
But thats were the best part come. Its the risk and reward aspect that makes jet moto 2 so great. Its feels good when you made it in first place and unlocked the finale track, it feels good to finally master the tracks you had so much trouble with in the first place,it feels good to unlock the original jet moto tracks and the secret character enigma.
And theres even a multiplayer mode too!
Basicly you get to race your friend in all 10 jet moto 2 tracks (and all 10 jet moto 1 tracks)Its a nice touch to a game that already offers so much in the first place.
So in the end,reccomendation depends.If you usually throw a fit when a game tries to challenge you,Then dont get jet moto 2 because chances are youll destroy your Psone (or PS3 or PSP)and toss the TV out your window.But if your the guy who likes a good racer,and loves a good challenge,Than jet moto 2 will satisfy.