A zany japanese adventure with skating kids who like to spraypaint...
You can play as any of these three people in the beginning of the game, and you will unlock more as the story progresses.
The GG's have two main problems to worry about. First is the Rokkaku group, who are trying to take everything over, and secondly is rival gangs tagging on their turf.
You are placed in levels, and your objective is to tag all of the tagpoints within the level. You will find spray cans scattered all around the level. To tag, you must go up to a tag point, and pull the L trigger. There are four sizes of graffiti, small medium, large, and extra large. For smalls all you have to do is pull the L trigger to tag them, for mediums you must move the joystick in the directions indicated on the screen (it takes 3), for larges you must pull the trigger and move the joystick in the directions indicated (takes 5), and extra larges are the same as the other two, but take something like 8-10. Each tag takes 1 spray can, so smalls take one, mediums take three, ect.
The music in this game is spectacular. I have the soundtrack for this game because I love the music, it fits the settings you are in, and sounds really cool.
This game is definitely worth playing, so go get a Dreamcast, and play it!