Jet Set Willy comes from an age of gaming when games could actually have flaws so serious that they make it impossible to reach the ending, yet people would still enjoy playing them. Jet Set Willy is one of those games. Jet Set Willy is a simple platformer, you run horizontally and jump. Your goals are to collect certain items while avoiding the monsters. This game could have been okay, but it had bugs galore. If you die by falling off the screen, the game will restart you from where you fell, causing you to die until you have no more lives. And when you enter certain rooms that are necessary to complete the game, it would corrupt other rooms in the game so that when you return you die instantly. Despite this, suckers of the era still considered the developer a genius, and a sequel, Jet Set Willy 2, was later released. Wow, people sure were (are) dumb. I'd tell you to stay away from the game, but since you'll most likely never see it anyway, I guess it doesn't matter.