This game was not made based on ethics. It was made to debuff other theories of JFK's assassination. With the right shot you can prove to yourself and others that the findings in the Warren Commission were true. This game's graphics are great for its time period. It features an excellent diagnostic screen and great ragdoll physics. After each fired shot the crowd and drivers react. The game featured a detailed ballistics and ragdoll physics engine. After each scenario, the player could analyze each of his shots, noting the trajectories, which people he hit with bullets and in what location of the body (including injuries occurring due to the ricochet of the bullet).
This is a very short game. I'm glad someone gave it too me! You play as the assassin or patsy Lee Harvey Oswald. No, you don't get to go to the Russian embassy and tell them you wan to be a spy for them. You don't e... Read Full Review
I understand whole heartedly why this game got so much bad press. And the biggest reason is because its called a game, and what people think of as a game. Games are fun. JFK Reloaded was never entertainment for me. I... Read Full Review