One of the best First Person Shooter I have played in all my life. The graphics aren't that great but if you can just imagine that your shooting George W. Bush then your in for a great time. The physics are so real that i basicly though I was really shooting for history-in-the-making. Preety great stuff. Don't believe all the ignorants who say its bad-taste, if americans can make a game about killing Iraqis, then whats wrong with making a game of an event that was done by an american. Whats next, a great game about the Watergate Scandal, I'd like to see that. Hell, it will probably be better than Halo and with the graphics now a days.....
This is a very short game. I'm glad someone gave it too me! You play as the assassin or patsy Lee Harvey Oswald. No, you don't get to go to the Russian embassy and tell them you wan to be a spy for them. You don't e... Read Full Review
I understand whole heartedly why this game got so much bad press. And the biggest reason is because its called a game, and what people think of as a game. Games are fun. JFK Reloaded was never entertainment for me. I... Read Full Review