This should have been a eduational and unique learning tool.
At least Traffic, which made the game, could have made the game more polished. They could have billed it as a accurate represenation of Dealey Plaza and provide users the opportunity to prove whether Oswald could have killed JFK.
And during the post-shooting analysis, why not have the bullet lines uses while the car is in Dealey Plaza, Why in a black room? And why not give the user the chance to fire from the Grassy Knoll to see if someone could have killed JFK from there?
And what about putting the Zapruder film in the game? A lot of waste opportunity. If the game was presented as educational, it would not have been such a controversial release. No bio date on JFK. No photos. No mini-documentary on his assassination and presidency.
I think some people had a idea and just ran with it and did not take the money and time to do it right. Wasted!