A reenactment of JFK's assassination? Isn't that what the movie JFK is for?
Well not much of a story here. The game sets you up to play as Lee Harvey Oswald, the man that supposedly shot JFK three times. One in the back, one through the neck, and the fatal head shot heard around the world. Simple as that. Now if you have a problem with that, don't play the game. It's EXACTLY what you think it is. If you can get by this idea, you still don't want to play the game. 1/10
Now this area seems to have had some effort put into it. John F. Kennedy and his motorcade round the corner, along with the large procession behind him. This includes 36th president Lyndon B. Johnson in the first blue car you see. Connelly, the Texas Governer at the time, sits in the front with his wife. The driver and front passenger of the vehicle are rendered, one with glasses, one without. Shooting JFK in the head looks the same as the Zapruder film, even down to Jackie Kennedy climbing out of the back to pick his brains up. Overall nice visuals. There's really only one way you'd want to play this. Go to youtube.com and type the title of this game in and see what I'm talking about. You can set all traffic, including JFK's vehicle to go nuts when a shot rings out. Funny, although somewhat sick. If you can get over that, it really is very funny to watch. Unfortunately, the crowd that lined the streets during the motorcade procession are not rendered, too bad. 8/10
Now the "semi-good" stuff. If you hate this idea, walk away right now. If you like the idea, come on in, sit down, have a coke. Then play the game. Lee Harvey Oswald was equipped with an Italian Carcano 91/38 rifle. If you need an idea as to what kind of rifle this is, go back to Call of Duty: Big Red One. You use the calvary version of the rifle in the game during the Italian Campaign. If you haven't played it, look up the weapon. Anyway you're not constricted to just shooting Kennedy. In reality you don't have to. You can just let the motorcade pass and do nothing. Or you can kill everyone and leave JFK the only man who survived. Your choice. The game ends when JFK is out of view, or you've just about killed everyone. Now the game incorporates a "realistic" bullet system (right...) where you could shoot at a wall near Kennedy and watch the sucker richocet into Kennedy's head. Ridiculous, yes. Stupid, n...yes. There really isn't any replay value, because the same scenario repeats over and over again. The demo of the game mentioned a 10,000 dollar contest to who could match the closest to the Warren Report on JFK's assassination. No wonder Ted Kennedy was pissed. 2/10
Sound is alright. The gunfire sounds realistic and after every shot, the invisble crowd screams. Same thing over and over again though. 3/10
Overall, it's almost worthless. It's definently a moment in history that most want to forget. Instead, we feed this game to youngsters. Could you imagine telling your kids, "Here son, come see me kill the president!" ? If you're mature enough to play this, it still sucks.