What kind of a Sick Freak Would Make a game like this the person who made this should hang theyre heads in shame

User Rating: 2.1 | JFK Reloaded PC
Look Right the makers of this game need help This is absolutely sick and When I Played it I wanted to Kill myself the creators should be sued and I MEAN FOR F**cKS SAKE YOU SEE THE BULLET GO THROUGH PRESIDENT KENNDYS HEAD WHAT KIND OF PERSON WOULD MAKE YOU DO THAT I mean im british but And i dont know much about america But I Understand the importance of President Kennedys Assasination but This is Sick Dont play this game. I mean it I actually think its banned now though so All the better I mean its Not as gory as games like manhunt but come on He was a President and you see the bullet in first-person view go through his head.