User Rating: 7 | Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising PC
To start with, I have not played BF 1942 or BFV so I don't have the ability to compare JO to them. I normally play first person shooters and have since the original Doom which got me addicted to computer games, so I've been playing a long time. Overall, I like this game, but feel, as many others, that you die way too easily. The maps are huge and you wind up spending most of your time trying to get back to the action. I think that if they tweaked this damage model so that, unless you DID get shot in the head by a sniper, you didn't die instantly! If they would just do that, I'd really be happy with this game. The last game I bought was Far Cry and I feel the graphics in JO aren't that far off the beautiful graphics in Far Cry. The sound I feel is above average and love the weapons, but wish you could mix and match a bit more. The class you pick pretty well governs what you will have and unless you happen to be by an armory, that is what you are stuck with. So, all and all, I like this game...I do wish you could play offline against bots that you would adjust to your skill level. No single player aspect sucks. You CAN host and set the max players to 1 on any game type to at least familiarize yourself with the maps. In Coop, the bots are WAY too good and that is also very frustrating. I think a lot of people who buy this game will get frustrated with dying so easily and quit playing unless either Novalogic patches this game and adds an offline aspect and damage model treaks. Maybe if enough people complain, something might be done.