User Rating: 9.5 | Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising PC
Absolutely one of the best first person (third person is optional...come on gamespot get it right..FPS is stipulated on the box already!) , multiplayer, mult-vehicle (including helos ) games to come along to date. Battlefield 1942, and Vietnam which have been thee multiplayer, multi-vehicle games of choice, desperately pale in comparison to Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising. In the Battlefields one always felt a bit claustrophobic when flying planes, or helicopters. Fly to the edge of a map (all of 20 seconds from border to border) and stay outside of it for 10 seconds and you are summarily executed. It certainly lived uped to its arcade style game play. Joint Operations: Typhoon Rising by Novalogic has just re-written the book on this genre. Make no mistake...this is a keeper. Everything about this game and its genre is exactly the way a gamer would or could want it. The only problem we are having is...trying to put the damn thing down. It is concievable this game could be the making of many a video widow this summer and I see several weeks of unbridled lawn growth. Run... don't walk to your nearest video game outlet to pick this one up... and buy a good set of occlusive headphones... unless you like the constant and deafening reminders to rev of the Toro. I kid you not! Ziek