Giant Ostriches or Chickens it was still fun to play
Learning Curve: 10 Minutes
Score: 8 out of 10
I remember playing this game when I was 7 it was one of those ones that seemed to go on forever in my eyes so after playing it for awhile I got tired and went outside to chuck rocks at my cousins which seemed to be a lot of fun.....till I got caught lol. But the game was fun, you play as a person who knocks people off the backs of giant Chickens or Ostriches whatever you prefer, but the thing is in the game you really just play as the for said flying creature. I'm not sure how many levels there are, there has to be at least 5 because I remember getting that far into the game. There are power ups to help keep you alive during the onslaught of enemies, each level will range from roughly 3-6 enemies if memory serves correct. The graphics were decent considering it's a NES game it's not like you can expect perfection and it sure as hell not messy compared to other games. The Controls were also very responsive which is a nice feature, a lot of games had a bad issue of lag but this game didn't have that issue at all. And to top it off it was Pixels I love the early NES games. This game gets a 8 out of 10.