Cel-Shaded glory on almost every front.

User Rating: 8.2 | Jet Set Radio Future XBOX
Gameplay: The game features you playing as roller-blading punks of the future. This is an interesting concept that nicely fulfilled. There is no balance meter while grinding which felt weird since THPS hit the scene, but it is required because you literally spend hours on a single grind combo to finish the goal set before you. The Cel-Shaded graphics work well with the wacky story, and odd characters. The game is full of sometimes difficult puzzles that might get frustrating, while other times the puzzles are too easy. Well i nearly forgot the most important part of the game; your cans of spray which you use to "tag" areas or even destroy tanks. It's a wacky idea that works well.

Graphics: They are the best I have ever seen from a Cel-Shaded game. They are even better then most Saturday Morning cartoons. But sometimes certain areas of the game are choppy, and no where near bright enough.

Sound: The game is full downright bad music, and good music, and decent voice acting, and the sound effects are pretty lame sometimes, but atleast everything makes sound that should.

Value: After you beat the very long campaign there is a alright multiplayer, but I felt no need to play multiplayer more than twice. Also the campaign isn't really worth beating again, so enjoy it while you can.

Tilt: This was wacky, fun, and at least worth a one week rental. The developers take a risk by putting a game like is the North American market. It was a welcome change from Halo.

This game when I first played I hated it, but after a year of owning it the game has grown on me. It is a great game.