What can I say? This is a great game!

User Rating: 9.1 | Jet Set Radio Future XBOX
I personally love this game. I have a total of practicly over 20000 hours playing this game.

Gameplay: Pretty Straight forward..spray and skate. I find it to be alot of fun, but most of my fellow gaming buds don't. The storyline sticks to anime standerds. It doesn't make sence if you don't know the full story. The story is, your a street thug with nothing but the clothes on your back and a pair of skates on your feet (yes you have to skate in this game, there is no getting off of em either) and you are against a bunch of other street thugs (who skate too) in gangs in some everyday tagger turf wars. You have to follow the gangs and cover up all their graffitii along with get some new people on your team. Your also supposed to fight against the local boys in blue. With there chief being well...a few sandwhichs short for a picnic...you'll find out. Anyway, your goal is to go against the police, goverment, and other graffittii-skater gangs. PARENTS! IT DOES HAVE A "DO NOT TRYTHIS AT HOME" WARNING DURRING THE INTRO! DO NOT BLAME SEGA FOR YOUR CRAPPY PARENTING!

Graphics: This is pretty much where Zelda Wind Waker and Okami got their graphics. Its just that Japanese line-less 3-D artwork put into motion. I love that kind of stuff. The graffiti in this game is pretty much beautiful. I like it to. And hey, you don't like what they give ya, make your own, which can do in this game.

Sound: It's all about the Techno, baby! Yeah, you have to listen to techno, GOOD TECHNO! I find all the tracks to be pretty cool. And I listen to stuff like Slipknot and Slayer. Value: Well, your looking at Ebay or your local game store (if they sell used games)..so depending if you're retarded or not, varies on the price. I would personally say 45 bucks is the max limit I would pay. This game is worth atleast to look at. I mean if you're artistic, a skater, raver, etc. go get this game.

Overall: I say get this game, I mean its fun, not really long (I can finish it in 2-4 sittings) and great to vs your friends at because chances are they've never heard of this game! Trust me, this is alot of fun at parties!