This great and unique game, while it has its flaws, is definitely worth a try.

User Rating: 9 | Jet Set Radio Future XBOX
Man, this game brings back memories. As a kid, I was obsessed with this game, playing it all the time with my older brother. It was one of the first games we got for the Xbox back when I was in 2nd grade (we got it with Sega GT in the two-game pack) and we loved it. To this day, I haven't completed 100% like most games, but I have played enough to know about the game.

The plot in this game is weird, but still oddly good. It takes place in a (modern?) Tokyo, Japan, with kids running around in gangs (not the shooting kind, luckily) fighting over territory and using graffiti to do everything. You play as the GGs, who must fight the Rokkaku Group, who is sucking the soul out of the streets of Tokyo. Along the way, you meet more kids to join the original three to form a good cast. The story isn't confusing at all, despite the weird things that happen (especially the climax). Sadly, the story is short.

The gameplay is pretty good for a platformer, but definitely not the best. The whole game puts you in skates, which for the most part ends up working well with the puzzles in the game, but there are slight problems here and there, mostly with moving around and turning. The other part of the game is graffiti. While out on the streets, you can collect spray paint cans and find spots to spray your art on. The graffiti component of the game has good variety, with much different graffiti challenges, including "tagging" other gangs. The multiplayer is nothing to laugh at, but still works well enough to live, giving the chance to play all characters you unlock and three stages for each game type. Also, Jet Trials exist after you beat the main game, which let you do challenges in different areas. The challenges are racing, capture the flag, finding all graffiti spots, and scoring points. You have to get all the Graffiti Souls (objects that unlock new graffiti art to use) in each area to do these, which are a challenge on their own. Luckily, all that hard work gets you extra characters from the plot (and an easter egg character).

The cel shaded graphics and art style of the game is definitely unique and is one of its best features. They're nice to look at and fit with the game's style very well. I recommend this game to anyone who owns in original Xbox or and Xbox 360, as it is backwards compatible with the system.