A Very Bad Asteroids Clone!!
Graphics: The graphics are noot good. The ships are tiny and its look more like a blomp than a ship. The space look Ok though
Sound: The Music is Ok, The voices are crap
Control: The ship is Very very very very hard to control, its almost impossible if you dont want to train for 20 hours and belive me you dont. The buttons are ok.
Value: like i said the game has 50 levels and its hard to beat the 10 first so if you like the game you have much play time in front of you. But the replay isnt there and there isnt much more than the campaign to do.
Tilt. The game is fun for about 1 minut then it gets frustrating, hard to control and you bounce in to everything. In my opinion this is totally Rubbish. Look Out dont play this game !!!!!