User Rating: 5.5 | Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights X360
Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights...... Well, it wasn't terrible. It definitely wasn't that great either. I'll keep it short. Customizing the cars is fun, but shows little importants to brand. You can select which custom parts to put on but there is no difference at all between them. So at first I was completely stoked to drop a Venom Nitrous system in the car but when i went to upgrade again, I noticed all custom parts at that level come out the same. So it made no difference at all which i selected. That was kind of a let down that the game couldn't incorporate a larger matrix to allow a "give and take," if you will, for certain aspects of the cars performance to allow for a difference between after market parts. That's one of my biggest beefs.
I do however really like the sounds in the game. Actually hearing a blowoff valve on a turbo was exciting. Downside was, regardless if the car was turbo'd at all it would have the blowoffs. A similar game, "Import Tuner Challenge" had specific engine noises for each car. They each were there own. But that's neither here nor there.
The game was definitely not all bad. The short races were appreciated. Quick runs and challenges were fun. But overall, races tend to get repetitive, betting system loses it's flavor. For juiced 3 I'd like to see more customization of the vehicles, not of the drivers.