Still not enough to erase Juiced from racers minds.
User Rating: 5.5 | Juiced: Eliminator PSP
Juiced: Eliminator is one of those games that look cool, but just isen't. Here is the storyline, you gain respect from other crews. Great story, eh? The car variety here is okay, at least you get a Corvette and a Viper. (Even a Charger!) But still, the customization is just, *sighs* bad. Even the damage is bad. NFS Prostreet has alot better damage than Eliminator. The only good thing is pink slip races, but even that is frustrating. You go in, and you gotta win at all cost. You lose, you lose your ride. You quit, you lose your ride. You shut off the PSP, you lose your ride. (I think.) Uhh yeah THQ, nice going. Also, the soundtrack may be the only actul good thing about this game. All in all, Juiced: Eliminator is still not enough to erase Juiced from our minds.