Juiced: Eliminator is a great game, but if you didn't like the original, nothing will change your mind about this one.
Instead of doing the mess that EA has done with both NFS for the PSP, THQ stayed solid and gave us almost the same game as the original Juiced.
With this said, Juiced Eliminator is pretty much the same but with more content. More cars, more tracks and still a fun career mode.
Unfortunately, the vehicle customization continues to lack in various aspects. There are still few vehicle modifications, compared to, for example, MC3: DUB edition. The loading times can be a bit long at times, but they are nothing compared to MC3:DUB.
Gameplay: As I already said earlier, Juiced continues to be a tough to handle game. The "weakest" cars are easy to use, but as you advance, the cars get better, faster....and harder to control. It's a bit difficult to play with the PSP analog stick, but nothing that time can't change.
Graphics: Pretty good, the game runs smooth, with very rare slowdowns. the weather effects are also good and the cars look great. The tracks may lack some textures though, but still are good.
Sound: The soundtrack is in fact better than the original! Best soundtrack.
Value: The career mode is huge, and even when you finish it, you still have the arcade to complete.
Conclusion: Juiced Eliminator is a great racing game. Its challenging, looks good, sounds even better, its big and has lots of cars to choose from. A great buy.