Different from the rest of the pack but still second.

User Rating: 8.5 | Juiced: Eliminator PSP
Plot/Story: There really is no story mode to this game. The main theme of Juiced Eliminator is to gain respect from each of the 8 crew leaders. There is a 1000 point gauge for respect so it will take you quite a while to gain 1000 from everyone. The respect meter has 4 different levels. First you are granted privleges to attend race, then race, then race for pink slips, then host races. Pink slip races allow to call up a crew leader and race for there car. If you win you get there car and if you lose they get your car.
Gameplay: This is the most disappointing part of the game. It feels like there is no right way to control the cars. FWD cars are the easiest to drive while RWD are harder. The problem with the RWD drive cars is they over steer way to often and you spin out of control. There is NOS in this game which has a blur effect. They should have spent a few more weeks tweaking the controls but they don't make the game horrible just more frustrating. After a few hours you will find a startegy that works fine. The brightside of the gameplay is there are alot of races to choose from. First of all, all the races are chosen from a calender. There is a calender with specific races. You can choose to enter them or skip them. On empty dates you are able to host your own races. The race types include point to point, circuit, sprint/drag, style, and eliminator. Later on people approach you to join your crew so you can do crew races. The one thing that sets Juiced out from all the other Racing games is the betting. You may choose to bet someone money while racing. Also you may choose to watch race but bet on a certain driver. Respect also comes in to play here. Hitting into oppnents cars or letting them pass you, lose you respect while cleanly passing them gains you respect. Also there is car damage which thankfully you don't have to pay for at the end of the race.
Customization: The customization is fairly deep but you may find your self a little disappointed if you have already played midnight club. Thre are three areas to choose from, painting, performance, and body. The painting is basic you can change the color of your car then use metallics and pearlescent which depending on the angle of view, changes the color of the car from 2 colors. So you have a green car and add blue pearlescent you will see a blue color for a second when the car is moving. Then you can change wheel color. In performance you can change how your car performes. There is ride height, ekhaust, gear ratios, brakes, tires, turbo, NOS and ems. In most of those there are 4 levels of performane with 4 being prototype parts. Also you can choose the company in which to buy from. The one thing you have to be careful with is over customizing your performance, which causes class change in your car. So you start with a level 8 then customize to a level 7 car. It is not a bad thing but some cars can only compete in level 8 races so you either have to buy another level 8 car or downgrade and upgrade when ever you want to race certain class events or skip the race. The body is basic you can change the hood, wheels, side skirt, decals, front bumper, neon, and in car entertainment. Like in all racers all the parts are not avavlible from the start so you have to unlock them.
Sound: The music is ok. They have a Drive All Night by the All American Rejects, Dance, Dance by Fall Out Boy, and a few other songs. Overall it is disappointing. You can't put your own music on like on GTA. The car sounds are average more or less what you would find in any racing game. The Crew leaders talk to you when you bet them during the race.
Graphics: The graphic are excellent. The cars look realistic. The race tracks look nice. You can choose morning, afternoon, evening, and night and you wiil be able to tell the difference. I haven't had a framerate issues. The cars are detailed, you can see decals and sponsors. You can see damage done to your car with flikering neons or scratched up sides. But Juiced once again come second to Midnight Clubs open city. But overall they are excellent.
Replay Value: there is alot of replay value in this game. There are 60 cars to collect and customize plus gaining 1000 points repect is a hard task. Multiplayer is disappointingly only ad hoc. If you have 5 other freinds that are willing to buy this game then multiplayer is fun. You can brag in your frineds face when you still his car or beg him for mercy when he steals yours. Its a shame that it wasn't online because that would make this game have near unlimited replay value. So if your lookin gfor an online racing game this isn't for you. Try NFS: 5-1-0.

This game is easily recommend for a racing fan. But like i said different areas of the game fall short to other big name racers like midnight club or NFS:5-1-0. It really comes down to a matter of preference if you want customization and free roam get midnight club or if you want more realistic racing game get race driver 2006. But what Juiced does is blend all those elements(subtracted online play) into one game but doesn't excel in any one area of element.