A Diffrent racer, and what some people see as diffrent...scares them.

User Rating: 7 | Juiced: Eliminator PSP
Juiced on the consol was an average graphic street racer, but it was originaly being created for 2003, then it was pushed and pushed and finaly came out a year and a half later, with the same 2003 graphics and content, so it was majorly down played for not being a simple skid left, skid right, dubs racing game like everyone loves (IE NFSU).

Graphics: Admitingly choppy, and simple, but for some of the car models, it wasent too shabby, some of the cars either looked incredibly realistic or needed a bit of work, and well that dosent really bother me, the fact that it had alot of cars other games wouldent think of getting is what attracted me!

Gameplay: Yeah SOME game modes are lame, but some are actually pretty fun, the gangs are something EA is affraid to bring in cause if they did that...it would be a game that aint half assed like all they do. Turning Physics are alot diffrent from your average and painfully easy street racing game, so it kinda gets drivers to take a diffrent approach and race a little more conservitevly, which alot of idiots think is bad (sorry for making a tough game guys).

Over all: is it a great street racing game? NO, is it pleasantly diffrent from the others? yes! so this makes it a worthwhile game to pick up to make a change from your average and painfully easy street racing game.