A hard game, but still fun.
Gameplay (8.5/10): Once you know the trick, it gets pretty easy. The trick is to earn money, but the real problem with this game is the pink slips. If you lose to a pink slip, you lose your car, and they're very hard to win.
Graphics (9.8/10): Although on the shiny side, they're not too colorful. They are perfectly good. The cars look so real that it makes my eyes go wild.
Sound (10/10): The most awesome thing about the sound is the cool theme songs and music. I've jammed with these songs.
Controls (8.1/10): Breaking is a little hard at first, but once you get used to the controls, it gets pretty easy.
Replayability (7.9/10): It's not worth a go after beaten, but it's worth playing again for a little bit.
Overall Score: 8.9 (Cool)