A hard game, but still fun.

User Rating: 9 | Juiced XBOX
Juiced is one of the best games for the XBOX. In fact, it is the best racing game for the Xbox. It's hard, but it gets easy once you know the trick.

Gameplay (8.5/10): Once you know the trick, it gets pretty easy. The trick is to earn money, but the real problem with this game is the pink slips. If you lose to a pink slip, you lose your car, and they're very hard to win.

Graphics (9.8/10): Although on the shiny side, they're not too colorful. They are perfectly good. The cars look so real that it makes my eyes go wild.

Sound (10/10): The most awesome thing about the sound is the cool theme songs and music. I've jammed with these songs.

Controls (8.1/10): Breaking is a little hard at first, but once you get used to the controls, it gets pretty easy.

Replayability (7.9/10): It's not worth a go after beaten, but it's worth playing again for a little bit.

Overall Score: 8.9 (Cool)