Not worth the money.
I had never played any street racing before, or any racing game for that matter, so I was amazed at the game. A few days ago, I bought Need for Speed Underground 2, and it was then that I realized that Juiced sucked.
It's racing part is bad. For the point to point and circuit races, whenever you're in the lead towards the end of the race, either the computer will get an extra burst of speed, or on one of the final turns you will spin out. The game developers didn't want to bother to make good AI, so they just give you disadvantages, and the AI advantages. I sprint mode, no matter how long you red line your car, nothing will happen. The nitrous lasts almost half the distance of the sprint track. It claims to be a racing game, but where are the other cars?
The customization features are terrible. After winning a race you unlock mods, WAY too many mods at once. You can buy a car, win a couple of races, and have it fully modded in twenty minutes.
There is literally NO storyline, NONE at all. The respect meter is basically the storyline. The better you race, the more respect you get, the more respect you get, you can race at more people's tracks. BUT, if you crash in to someone or someone crashes in to you, you lose respect.
The graphics are the best feature of the game. The paintjobs look real. Nothing else to say about that.
And, if you have no money, you can just watch a race and bet on it. And taking out the memory card before it autosaves will result in you not losing any money.
I would not recommend this game to anyone, it is only fun if it's your first street racing game. It is a cheap knock-off of Need for Speed Underground 2/