GAMEPLAY: the career mode is fantastic at the start...but it dies out really fast you can get your own crew who at times do well and can be quite handy. i enjoyed the idea of having some of your crew members verse other crew members. the not looking 4 looks in my car im looking at how well it does on the track. unfortunately the career mode sell 4wd cars at the start of the game and you get use to this later in the game where they change the 4wd to fwd( i think thats right) and its frustrating because you cant control youre car well on corners and instead of turning they turn around in circles facing the wrong way. and betting on this game is worst. you cant win on big bets so dont even worry about betting BIG SOUND: the sound is awesome and i enjoy the sound alot its probably one of the best in racing games GRAPHICS: the graphics are very good alot of detail has been put into this game and you can tell the cars getting hit with the marks on youre car.
OVERALL: this game has its points and its low points but having a mate over this game can be very enjoyable