An Anime heaven, too put it simply.

User Rating: 9.7 | Jump Superstars DS
Jump Superstars is a super smash bros like game for the nintendo DS with all of the shonen jump anime/manga characters. It is worth the import and worth 50 dollars if you got too spend that much.

Gameplay is really good, basically you can jump, move around, and attack. very simplistic, but the real difference is, the bottom screen has manga panels from all of your favorite manga characters. You can play as Naruto, but if you want Light from Deathnote can help you. There is 7 different sizes of cards. A card that takes up one space on the bottom screen is just a support character, tap it and he/she will raise your abilitys ( power, Speed, health, ETC ). A card with 2 or 3 panels is a character who will run in and either heal you, or attack your other oponents. 4-7 panels are battle characters, so a 4 naruto is the weakest Battle Naruto, but the RARE 7 Naruto is the most powerful. ( there are only a couple 7 characters in the game ). You also have a special meter, that holds up too 10 special attacks ( it regains as you attack, collect coins ) if you use a panel on the bottom screen it also costs 1 special attack gauge. also if you do Naruto's Rasengan, it takes 1 power gauge. ( or gokus Kamemeha ETC ). There is fruits on the stage which heal you, also coins which replenish your special gauge, and bombs which hurt you. ( various other items too )

Sound is not really a big deal, no music, very bland actually. Nothing really good, you just get the punch sound always.

Graphics is unique, very anime thats all i can really say. It's just very cool if you like a lot of manga/anime.

Deck formation isn't that hard, but its annoying if you dont know japanese. But some patience can quickly step over that annoyance.

There is a lot of value in this game, actually it has more value than any DS game IMO, in order too even finish this game, takes 15+ hours, too get 100% takes at least over 40 hours ( more actually ).

Summing things up, this is actually my favorite DS game because im an anime/manga freak. Very good game and worth the buy, pay 50 dollars if you have too. Like I said its an anime/manga heaven.